In this article we shine the spotlight on almonds - nuts that truly deserve their superfood status. While almonds in general are beneficial for anyone, there are a few reasons why they are particularly good for a woman’s health.
This almond, olive oil and fig bread is an absolute winner.
Many dieters stay clear of almonds, mistakenly believing they are too high in fat to fit into a healthy eating plan. Wrong! Almonds provide many health benefits that vastly outweigh any damage to your fat and calorie counts. Want to know seven health benefits of almonds? Read on!
These Montagu Dark Chocolate Ganache brownie bites are so easy to make and absolutely delicious. Give this recipe a try!
These delicious and chewy honey flavoured cookies with almonds and apricots are free from refined sugar. Use any cookie cutters that you have to create fun shapes for the kids.
The number of diabetes cases, both nationally and globally, is on the rise and eating healthily is exceptionally important to help reduce your risk and manage the disease.
Here’s a fun idea for the kids! Thank you TERESA ULYATE from Cupcakes and Couscous for this awesome idea. Kids will love these tasty almond muffins sandwiched together with chocolate almond butter and it’s the perfect excuse to play with your food.
A cozy, beef stew with tender beef, yellow cling peeled peach and almonds, flavoured with herbs and spices to fill your home with warm winter aromas. Tuck into this hearty meal with couscous to warm up your heart and soul.